Purple Sweet Potato Huat Kuih 紫薯發糕 (發粿)
2024-05-17     省電俠     4K     反饋

紫薯發糕 Purple Sweet Potato Huat Kuih

零失敗簡單的紫薯發糕 (發粿)食譜,鬆軟香甜,個個開花!

Zero failure delicious and beautiful purple sweet potatoes rice Huat Kuih healthy recipe.

Ingredients 材料: - purple sweet potatoes 紫薯 80g - caster sugar for meringue 細砂糖製作蛋白霜 30g - egg white (Grade A) 雞蛋白 1 pcs - rice flour 粘米粉 150g - yeast 酵母 1/2 tsp - caster sugar 細砂糖 1 tbsp

  • water for boiling purple sweet potato 煮紫薯的清水 250ml (Only 140ml extracted purple sweet potato juice is needed) 只須140ml 紫薯汁

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/ @travelfoodtech

Let it rest for 30 minutes. 等待發酵三十分鐘。

Let it rest for another 60 minutes till double size large. 再等待發酵六十分鐘至兩倍大。

Steam 15 minutes over high heat. 大火蒸十五分鐘。

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