玉米發糕食譜 | 零失敗 攪一攪就能做 | 金玉滿堂發糕 | Sweet Corn Huat Kueh Recipe
2024-04-22     省電俠     777     反饋


Zero-failure sweet corn huat kueh (steamed cake), easy to make with just a mix up of all the ingredients. Made using canned sweet corn kernels from the supermarket, it's soft, delicious, and healthy. No need to have any doughs throughout the process, so follow the steps quickly to make it! It won't be too dry, egg-free version, moist and tasty! Full of corn aroma!

▶️ Ingredients 材料: 250g Self Raising Flour 自發麵粉 1 tsp Baking Powder 泡打粉 100g Caster Sugar 細砂糖 150g Sweet Corn Kernels 玉米粒 2 tbsp Sweet Corn Water 玉米水 230ml Water 清水 40g Corn oil 玉米油

這個食譜大概可以做 8-9粒 This recipe can make about 8-9 pcs


(Bonus Recipe) 班蘭杯子糕 Pandan Cupcakes

• 班蘭杯子糕 | 快手糕點 | 又香又美味 簡單無蛋版 | Pandan C...

▶️ Ingredients 材料: 300ml Pandan juice 班蘭汁 120g Caster sugar 細砂糖 50ml Corn oil 玉米油 250g Self raising flour 自發麵粉

**Making Pandan juice 製作班蘭汁 4 pcs Pandan leaves 班蘭葉 300ml Water 清水 (Blend & filter to extract juice) (攪打過濾取汁)

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